EN-RC-4.9 The internal structure of an IT company

von Omid Hosseini


1. Read the dialogue about The internal structure of an IT company in ITfor You. English inside 2.0, Bildungsverlag EINS, Troisdorf 2008  on pp 15-16.

 2. Answer the following questions:

2.1. What kind of company does Sarah work for? What industry does Hardy’s firm belong to?

2.2. Which differences are there concerning the internal structure of both companies?

2.3. What does “business process-oriented” mean?

2.4. Explain the difference between head of department and project leader.

 3. Translate the lines 9 - 17 into German.

 4. Do task 1 on p 16 and task 2 on p 17.


  • I can answer the questions to the text
  • I can translate some lines into german


i had no problem with the tasks. It took me 40 minutes to complete all the tasks.


What kind of company does Sarah work for? What industry does Hardy’s firm belong to?

Hardys firm belongs to the service industry and Sarah works for a company in the manufacturing industry

Which differences are there concerning the internal structure of both companies?

The company wich Sahrah works for is divided into different departments (production, sales department, purchasing department, etc.). On the other hand Hardys company is not divided in different departments there just employees that take over different tasks.

What does "buisness process-oriented" mean?

Buisness process-oriented means that whenever a costumer places an order they analyse it and break it down in different actions.

Explain the difference between head of department and project leader.

A head of department is actually the boss. He can hire employees and is able to organize distrubitions. He also has the right to negotiate and calculating salaries.




In der Fertigungsindustrie sind die meisten Firmen in verschiedene Abteilungen aufgeteilt. Die typischen Abteilungen sind Produktion, Verkauf (Marketing), Einkauf, Lager, Personalabteilung, Finanzabteilung und die Verwaltung. Alle Abteilungen haben eigene Aufgaben, um die Firma am Laufen zu halten. Zum Beispiel analysiert die Finanzabteilung die Firmenkosten, Eintragung von Warenrechnungen in die Geschäftsbücher, tätigen Banküberweisungen. Alle Abteilungen haben die einen Abteilungsleiter. Je nach der Größe der Firma können Abteilungsleiter auch einen persönliche/n Sekretär/in haben. 


Finance department

to analyse the companys costs

Sales and marketing department

to present the shop and the products for costumers 

personal department

to hire and fire employees 

purchasing department

to purchase products and goods


  • Land: Deutschland
  • Vorname: Omid
  • Nachname: Hosseini
  • Stadt: Lohfelden
  • E-Mail Adresse: omid.hosseini@web.de

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EN-RC-4.9 The internal structure of an IT company von Omid Hosseini ist mit einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Unported 3.0 Unported Lizenz ausgestattet.

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166 Ansichtsbesuche von 07. Dezember 2017 bis 03. Juli 2024