EN-RC-24.3.1 Linux and the "open source movement"

von Omid Hosseini


Read the text on p 66  in IT Milestones. Englisch für Computer- und IT-Berufe, Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 2007 and do exercises a (Take notes and be able to speak about it.), b and c on p 67.


1. I can explain the Open Source Movement in your own words.

2. I can read the text on page 66 and then answer these questions.

3. I can rewrite the reading text below as a step-by-step procedure summarizing the five main points.


I completed the tasks without any problems i just needed a little bit more time than i had planned for all the tasks. Some of the words i had to look up. I worked for 40min on the tasks.

Open Source Movement

The open source movement is a broad-reaching movement of individuals who support the use of open source licences for some or all software.

2. Answer the questions

1. Why is Linux called free? 

Linux is called free because it is not restricted by a property code, i.e no company or individual owns Linux.

2. Who is responsible for programming Linux?

Private computer enthusiasts.

3. What is meant by an open source software?

Open source means the source code of Linux can be changed to suit one´s own needs.

4. How can I get Linux?

Downloadable versions of Distributions or buy sets of pre-loaded CDs or directly from the distribution´s publisher.

5. Briefly outline some of the major advantages and disadvantages of Linux.

advantages disadvantages

1. All source code of the kernel and many application programs for free.

2. Very fast development cycles by a very large number of developers.

3. A Unix flavor for many architecture.

1. Missing driver.

2. No direct-x-games.

3. Some configurations often still based on text files, which you have to study only the necessary manuals (manual).

3. Step-by-Step

1. On some systems is HDD partition exist. You must change size for install linux.

2. If you run dual-boot system for configuration please watch help videos.

3. By running Linux it show you steps for steps howto make… it is helpful.

4. You can choose install graphycal. When you choose that it will you quiz abaut Hardware configuration before bigining installation. You can change display size to 640x480 SVGA later.

5. Follow the prompts in the programme,create user and install CD software packeges.


  • Land: Deutschland
  • Vorname: Omid
  • Nachname: Hosseini
  • Stadt: Lohfelden
  • E-Mail Adresse: omid.hosseini@web.de

Creative Commons Lizenz


EN-RC-24.3.1 Linux and the "open source movement" von Omid Hosseini ist mit einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Unported 3.0 Unported Lizenz ausgestattet.

Jede der Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die ausdrückliche Genehmigung von Omid Hosseini dazu erhalten.



IT Milestones. Englisch für Computer- und IT-Berufe, Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 2007, p 66/67.


176 Ansichtsbesuche von 21. Februar 2018 bis 04. Juli 2024