EN-CW-4.7.1 Market research

von Omid Hosseini


Read the text “Market research” in Business to Business, Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 2008 on page 262.

1. Answer the following questions in your own words:

1.1. What’s the purpose of market research?

1.2. What do companies use market research for?

1.3. Explain what field research is.

1.4. Explain what desk research is.

1.5. What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?

1.6. Do you think market research is useful? Why (not)?

2. Choose a product you are interested in and write a questionnaire to find out about a target group’s opinion on it (at least 15 questions). Then do the questioning with a partner and be able to summarize what he thinks about your product.


1. I can explain what  the purpose of market research.

2. I can explain what companies use market research for.

3. I can explain what field research is.

4. I can explain what desk research is.

5. I can explain what the difference between qualitative and and quantiative research is.

6. I can explain why market research is useful

7. I can choose a product that im interested in and write a questionnaire to find out about a target group’s opinion on it.


I completed the tasks easily but had to think a little more to find 15 questions that where good to use. 

1. Answer the following questions in your own words:

What´s the purpose of market research?

The purpose of market research is the market research may enable the company to target them more successfully and companies use market research to test new ideas or monitor customer satisfaction with their products.

What do companies use market research for?

Companies conduct market research to find out what people think about them and their products. They also try to establish what needs or desires a particular customer segment has and how able or willing they will be to pay for a particular product or service.

Explain what field research is.

Field research may be conducted in the form of in-depth interviews in the street, telephone and online interviews and questionnaires sent to relevant groups of consumers (or companies).

Explain what desk research is.

Desk research (evaluation of the material obtained by field research) and any statistical material available, published, for instance, by organisations like the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the British Tourist Authority or the Statistisches Bundesamt (German Statistical Office).

What´s the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?

Qualitative: What people think or feel about a product or advertising campaign.

Quantitative: Figures, statistics.

Explain why market research useful is.

Companies use market research to test new ideas or monitor customer satisfaction with their products.


Our product is the iPhone X

1. How to find the iPhone X?

2. Do you find it good that the iPhone X is waterproof?

3. Do you find the  iPhone X too expensive?

4. Do you find it too big or too small?

5. How do you find the image resolution?

6. Do you like the new iOS for the iPhone X?

7. Do you find the camere good?

8. Were their expectations well?

9. Were their expectation bad?

10. How do you find the design of iPhone X?

11. Do you find the battery life good?

12. Does the iPhone have a good sound?

13. How do you find the headphones?

14. How do they find the charging cable from iPhone X?

15. How do you find the material processing of iPhone X?


  • Land: Deutschland
  • Vorname: Omid
  • Nachname: Hosseini
  • Stadt: Lohfelden
  • E-Mail Adresse: omid.hosseini@web.de

Creative Commons Lizenz


EN-CW-4.7.1 Market research von Omid Hosseini ist mit einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Unported 3.0 Unported Lizenz ausgestattet.

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Business to Business, Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 2008 on page 262.



170 Ansichtsbesuche von 21. Februar 2018 bis 04. Juli 2024