EN-RC-24.3.2 Linux

von Omid Hosseini


1. Study the text on pp 42 f in Oxford English for Information Technology.

   Second edition. Oxford University Press 2009.  


2. Do exercises A and B 1 and 2.



  1. I can read the text and do exercise A and B1


The task wasnt very difficult an i could complete it easily without looking up any words on google. 

I worked for 30 minutes on it.


1. What did Linus Torvalds use to write the Linux kernel?

1. He used the GNU programming tools developed by RIchard Stallmans Free Software Foundation

2. How was the Linux kernel first made available to the general public?

2. Linus released the source code to the Linux kernel on the Internet.

3.What is a programmer likely to do with source code?

3. Fix bugs or extend or develop in it.

4. Why will most software companies not sell you their source code?

4. They won't sell their source code, because they believe it to destroy their revenue stream.

5. What type of utilities and applications are provided in a Linux distribution?

5. Command interpreters, programming tools, text editors, typesetting tools and a graphical user interface based on th X windowing system.

6. What is X?

6. X is a standard in acedemic and sientific computing, its a complex distributed windowing system on which people implement graphical interfaces like KDE and Gnome.

7. What graphical user interfaces are mentioned in the text?

7. Gnome and KDE




Kernel: Teh core of an operating system that handels memory allocations, talks to hardware devices, and makes sure everything keeps running

Free Software Foundation: An oraganisation of volunnters dedicated to making good software that anyone could use without paying.

Source code: The original system program from which compiled programs are generated.

Open Source: A type of software development where any programmer can develop or fix bugs in the software.

A distrubition: A complete operating system kit with the utilities and applications you need to make it do useful things.

X: A standard distributed windowing system on which people implement graphical interfaces.


2. Mark the following statements as True or False:

a) Linux was created in the 1980s. - False

b) Minix was created by a university student. - False

c) Linux is based on Unix. - True

d) Minix is based on Unix. - True

e) Linux runs on more types of computer than any other operating system. - True


  • Land: Deutschland
  • Vorname: Omid
  • Nachname: Hosseini
  • Stadt: Lohfelden
  • E-Mail Adresse: omid.hosseini@web.de

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EN-RC-24.3.2 Linux von Omid Hosseini ist mit einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Unported 3.0 Unported Lizenz ausgestattet.

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183 Ansichtsbesuche von 03. Mai 2018 bis 03. Juli 2024