
von Omid Hosseini


Watch the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBXZWB_dNsw about Santiago Gonzales.


1. Listening comprehension:


Answer the following questions about Santiago in English.


1.1 What is his hobby?

1.2 How many programming languages is he fluent in?

1.3 Describe his school career?

1.4 What does he say about learning?

1.5 What kind of school is Colorado School of Mines?

1.6 What is a beautiful code according to Santiago?

1.7 How many apps has he already ceated?

1.8 What was his main reason for starting programming?

1.9 What is his opinion about girls?

1.10 What was his first interest?

1.11 Which problems were there at elementary school?

1.12 What project is he working on as a research assistant for a professor at


1.13 What are his future plans after finishing his Master’s?

1.14 Describe his favourite app?



Santiago has been invited for a TV or radio talkshow. The topic is “Prodigies”. Act out the talk between him and the presenter of the show or record it.




3. Speaking:


Do you have an extraordinary talent, do you know somebody with an     unusual ability/ hobby or did you hear/ watch about another prodigy? Speak about it in English with the help of notes in at least 10 sentences.





1. I can watch the video about Santiago Gonzales on youtube.

2. I can answer the question about Santiago Gonzales.

3. I can make notes over somebody with unusual abilities or hobbies and form at least 10 sentences from this to me.

4. I can act out the interview between santiago and the interviewer


1. What is his hobby?

His hobby is program.

2. How many programming languages is he fluent in? 

He masters approximately one dozendifferent programming languages fluently.

3. Describe his school career?

from six grade he jumped to our full-time college student. He will be sixteen when he graduate college and seventeen when he finish his masters.

4. What does he say about learning?

He really enjoy learning to me he find it as essential as eating either you die.

5. What kind of school is Colorado School of Mines?

Colorado School of Mines is a engineering school.

6. What is a beautiful code according to Santiago?

The beautiful code is short and concise so if you were to give that code to another programmer.

7. How many apps has he already created?

He created about 15 apps for both the Mac iPhone and iPad.

8. What was his main reason for starting programming?

One of the main reasons he started developing apps was to help people achieve something.

9. What is his opinion about girls?

Now I´m not interested in having a girlfriend at all I find that it´s a tremendous waste of time.

10. What was his first interest?

Rocks and minerals from adult books that that when he was in first grade.

11. Which problems were there at elementary school?

From elementary school he would be miserable because he wasn´t being challenged. He had teachers who didn´t really quite, get me it was just a very boring and painful experience.

12. What project is he working on as a research assistant for a professor at school?

He working to improve building energy efficiency.

13. What are his future plans after finishing his Master’s?

After he finish his masters he thinking about getting a PhD in computer science at Stanford.

14. Describe his favourite app?

One of his favorite app that he developed is the slide puzzle.


Interviewer: Hello Santiago and welcom to our talkshow

Santiago: Hi! Thanks for the invitation

Interviewer: Glad to have u here but now i want to ask you some Questions

Santiago: Okay then lets get starded

Interviewer: So first things first how old are you?

Santiago: Im 14 years old

Interviewer: And what are your hobbys?

Santiago: I like to programm in my free time

Interviewer: Thats a extraodinary hobby for an 14 year old. What programming languages do you use when writing a code?

Santiago: I master approximately one dozen different programming languages fluently.

Interviewer: Wow thats awesome how did you learn that many programming languages?

Santiago: I many of them i just learned by myself in my freetime.

Interviewer: So what are yo doing now i asume that you are still going to school?

Santiago: I went to a normal school till i got into six garde and then i went to the Colorado school of mine as a full-time college student.

Interviewer: Thats very impressive,14 years old and a full time college Student. Do you have any plans for the future?

Santiago: Yes. After I got my master I want to get an p.h.d in computer science and my big dream is to work at apple.

Interviewer: I hope u get your dream job at apple thank you for being here today i dont have any questions left.

Santiago: Thanks!



212 Ansichtsbesuche von 17. August 2018 bis 04. Juli 2024