EN-RC-8.7 Play the game, but write the software too

von Omid Hosseini


Read the text “Play the game, but write the software too” from The Times, London (World and Press, January 2 2013).


1. Answer the questions.

1.1. What will be the first step of a revolution at schools from September


1.2. Why does the Education Secretary want to get rid of the current ICT?

1.3. What will the learning targets for the children be?

1.4. Who was asked to help the Department of Education with the curriculum?

1.5. Which abilities must a teacher have who wants to teach primary ICT?

1.6. What will be the biggest challenge and why?

1.7. Why is it a good idea to teach young children how to write computer


1.8. What is even more important than coding according to Peyton-Jones?

1.9. What is highly valued by employers?

1.10. What lack does Facebook’s public policy director for the UK and Ireland

speak of?

2. Be able to translate four chapters of your choice orally.


I can answer the questions.

I can translate four chapters orally.


I completed the tasks easily and leanred some new words that i had to look up first to understand the text completly.

Questions and Answers

1.1. What will be the first step of a revolution at schools from September 2014?

Answer:The first step will be that writing computer programmes will be taught in primary schools.

1.2 Why does the Education Secretary want to get rid of the current ICT?

Answer: He wants to get rid of the current ICT because he assesses it as boring and outdated.

1.3 What will the learning targets for the children be?

Answer: The childrens learning targets will be learning computational thinking and writing simple programs by 7 and building a mobile phone app by 11. At GCSE level they can write a program that can solve a Sudoku and A-level students will be able to write elementary programming languages.

1.4 Who was asked to help the Department of Education with the curriculum?

Answer: Experts from technology and gaming companies such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, facebook and BT have been asked to help with the curriculum.

1.5 Which abilities must a teacher have who wants to teach primary ICT?

Answer: Such a teacher will have to be able to write programmes in two programming languages and they will have to be able to explain concepts like selection, repetition, variables and relational operators.

1.6 What will be the biggest challenge and why?

Answer: The recruitment and training of the teachers will be the biggest challenge since coding,abstraction and computational thinking are highly abstract teaching contents.

1.7 Why is it a good idea to teach young children how to write computer programs?

Answer: The earlier the children start acquiring it, the higher their skills will be when they enter the job market. Furthermore, young children have very analytical minds so that the age is suited for these kind of skills.

1.8 What is even more important than coding according to Peyton-Jones?

Answer: It is more important to understand the concepts behind it.

1.9 What is highly valued by employers?

Answer: Being able to write programmes is a highly valued skill by employers.

1.10 What lack does Facebook’s public policy director for the UK and Ireland speak of?

Answer: There is a scarcity of high-quality graduates and young people that can immediately join web or game developers and marketing companies.





  • Land: Deutschland
  • Vorname: Omid
  • Nachname: Hosseini
  • Stadt: Lohfelden
  • E-Mail Adresse: omid.hosseini@web.de

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EN-RC-8.7 Play the game, but write the software too von Omid Hosseini ist mit einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Unported 3.0 Unported Lizenz ausgestattet.

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166 Ansichtsbesuche von 15. Februar 2019 bis 04. Juli 2024