
von Leon Tommasi


I will translate my Pecha Kucha presentation for BS1 into englisch.
I translate the text from my Pecha Kucha into english.

Pecha Kucha Windows

Pecha Kucha Windows | Text

  1. To add a HDD into VM, you first have to click on "change".
  2. After that you will see many setting options, to add the HDD you have to click on "Mass storage".
  3. Now you have to click on the diskette on the left side and then click on "add hard-disk-drive".
  4. A new window pops up and asks you to create a new HDD... click on create HDD...
  5. Now you can choose between 3 data types of the HDD... choose VHD.
  6. Then you can decide if you want the HDD to have a fixed size or or a dynamic size.
  7. If you choose fixed size, you can type in how much storage you want on your HDD and what name it should have.
  8. Now the new HDD should be shown under "Mass storage".
  9. Now you can split the HDD in as many partitions as you want.
  10. In a partition happens the exact same as in a cell division... The cell splits into 2 or more parts just as the HDD if you partitionate it... 


Leon Tommasi's Profilbild

  • Bundesland/Kreis: Hessen
  • Land: Deutschland
  • Vorname: Leon
  • Nachname: Tommasi
  • Stadt: Kassel


209 Ansichtsbesuche von 15. Dezember 2016 bis 01. Juli 2024