EN-RC 13.1

von Omid Hosseini



I work on the tasks from EN-RC-13.1


I can explain a cpu, motherboard and their tasks in a computer.


I learned the english definition of an motherboard and a cpu with some new vocabels.


Complete the text

The motherboard

The motherboard is a printed circuit board (PCB) that contains and controls the components responsible for processing data. These include the CPU, memory, and basic architecture for the system. It also has a Real-time clock (RTC), ROM, BIOS, CMOS RAM, RAM sockets, bus slots for attaching devices to a bus, CPU sockets or slots, cache RAM slot or sockets, jumpers, keyboard controller, interrupts, internal connectors, and external connectors.

Decisive for a computer’s performance are the jumpers of the bus its components. A “bare bones” system refers to the ribbon cables, power supply, CPU, and RAM of the motherboard. The system clock synchronizes the operation of the bus and other components, while the controllers allow a user to set different clock rates to work with the CPU, among other things.

Match the elements

A = Memory Slots

B = South Bridge

C = PCI Slots

D = Power Supply Connector

E = CPU Socket

F = Peripherals Connectors

G = Floppy Connector   

H = Battery

I = North Bridge

J = AGB Slot

K = IDE Connector

Answer the questions

1) The CPU (central processing unit) is referred to be the brain of the computer. It executes all the program instructions and also coordinates all the other activities of the system.

2) The control unit, the arthimetic logic unit (ALU) and the register.

3) The control unit examines and interprets a given program's instructions.

4) The ALU performs mathematical calculations and logical operations.

5) The registers are high-speed memory units to store and control data.

6) The PC registers the next instructions to be executed in the main memory. The instruction registers the current instruction.


  • Land: Deutschland
  • Vorname: Omid
  • Nachname: Hosseini
  • Stadt: Lohfelden
  • E-Mail Adresse: omid.hosseini@web.de

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EN-RC 13.1 von Omid Hosseini ist mit einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Unported 3.0 Unported Lizenz ausgestattet.

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160 Ansichtsbesuche von 15. März 2017 bis 04. Juli 2024