EN-RC 13.1 CPU and Motherboard

von Omid Hosseini



I can complete the Text

I can match the words

I can explain what an motherboard and CPU is.


I can explain what an CPU and Motherboard is and what their task in computer is


It wasnt very complictet for me to complete the task but i had to look up some of the words because i didnt knew them.

Task 1a

The motherboard

The motherboard is a printed circuit board (PCB) that contains and controls the components responsible for processing data. These include the CPU, memory, and basic controllers for the system. It also has a Real-time clock (RTC), ROM, BIOS, CMOS RAM, RAM sockets, bus slots for attaching devices to a bus, CPU sockets or slots, cache RAM slot or sockets, jumpers, keyboard controller, interrupts, internal connectors, and external connectors.

Decisive for a computer’s performance are the architecture of the bus its components. A “bare bones” system refers to the ribbon cables, power supply, CPU, and RAM of the motherboard. The system clock synchronizes the operation of the bus and other components, while the jumpers allow a user to set different clock rates to work with the CPU, among other things.

Task 1b

Match the elements of the motherboard below to their correct definitions.

1. North Bridge: The mediator chip or chipset, controlling all internal data flow between the CPU and other parts of the motherboard, such as RAM and AGP/PCI.

2. CPU Socket: It holds the computing part of the computer, also called the "processor".

3. Memory Slots: They hold the memory which stores the executable commands and the data which are being processed.

4. Power Supply Connector:  The electrical power source is plugged in there.

5. South Bridge: A sort of "mediator" chip, which controls the flow of data between the CPU and other parts of the computer as well as its peripherals. (See also: "North Bridge")

6. Battery: During the time the computer is switched off, this provides the electrical power necessary for the clock and the basic settings of the motherboard.

7. IDE Connector: A portable storage device can be plugged in there.

8. Floppy Connector: This is an interface for mass storage devices such as hard disks, CD-ROMs. One port can hold up to two devices.

9. PCI Slots: These are standard interfaces for additional hardware components such as TV-cards. Faster versions are called PCI-Express.

10. AGP Slot: It is based on PCI, but is designed especially for the throughput demands of 3-D graphics

11. Peripherals Connectors: All external devices are attached here. The one shown is the LPT. The ones next to it are for network connection, keyboard, mouse etc.

Task 2a

Read the text and answer the questions below.

1. What is the CPU?

The CPU is called the „brain“ of a computer. It’s responsible for the program instructions and coordinates the activities of the system.

2. What are its three main parts?

The first main part is the control unit. Second main part is the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and hence the last main part are the registers.

3. What is the function of the control unit?

The control unit checks and paraphrase the instructions, which a program has given and activates the implementation of several functions.

4. What is the job of the ALU?

The ALU is responsible for mathematical calculations and logical operations.

5. What are registers?

Registers are high-speed memory units to store and control data.

6. What is the function of the PC versus that of the IR?

The program counter (PC) registers the next instruction, which should be executed in the main memory. While the instruction registers (IR) include the current instruction.

Task 2b

Study the diagram and match the 10 elements of the CPU with their correct definition.

a) Accumulator: It stores data to be fed into the ALU, as well as ALU output for later processing.

b) ALU: This high-speed circuit does the calculations and comparisons. Numbers are transferred from memory into it for calculation, and the results are sent back to memory.

c) Status register: It holds additional information provided by the ALU, e.g. whether a result is negative or positive.

d) Control unit: It controls all data traffic on the CPU. It opens and closes gates. It requests data from external devices. It sets switches and readies everything for data transfer.

e) Instruction register: It holds the instructions currently being processed.

f) Instruction decoder: It reads the instructions and decides which numbers can be forwarded directly to the Control Unit or whether data has to be added from external devices.

g) Registers: They are used to hold external data and interim results.

h) Stack pointer: If the CPU has to leave a given sequence to call a sub-program, this element ensures that the CPU can return to where it left off by storing the correct address.

i) Program counter: It stores the number of the instruction which is currently being executed.

j) Address buffer: It holds external memory addresses when an instruction is executed which requires access to external data.


  • Land: Deutschland
  • Vorname: Omid
  • Nachname: Hosseini
  • Stadt: Lohfelden
  • E-Mail Adresse: omid.hosseini@web.de

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EN-RC 13.1 CPU and Motherboard von Omid Hosseini ist mit einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Unported 3.0 Unported Lizenz ausgestattet.

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178 Ansichtsbesuche von 11. September 2017 bis 04. Juli 2024