Lernfeld 12 - Englisch

von Nuri Bozyigit


Study the text on pp 42 f in Oxford English for Information Technology. Second edition. Oxford University Press 2009, and do the exercises A, B1 and B2. 


1. I can read and comprehend the text from said page. 

2. I can explain the open source movements with my own words. 

3. I can explain certain questions from the page. 


No remarkable problems.

Open Source Movement

Basically means that a provided service has no ristricted trademark on it, which allows a complete usage and change. Linux for an instance is a service without limited restrictions and can be used however the consumer wants to. He can change the source code and can use it without purchasing licences.


Why is Linux called free?

Just as mentioned in the text above, it's called free since it is an open source software. There is no strict limitation and no trademark on it, which allows the complete free usage and change of it.

Who is responisble for programming Linux?

Every user individually for their own.


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166 Ansichtsbesuche von 02. Mai 2018 bis 03. Juli 2024