Lernfeld 12 - Englisch

von Nuri Bozyigit


Read the chapter 4.1 database - introduction and do the exercises a, b and c on page 85.


- I can answer the questions to SQL with the informations from the text and by my own experience.

- I can find the equivalent texts given in exercise B

- I can match the features in exercise C to their rightful advantage.


The lernjob hasn't been finished as fast as previous ones, since i had to write up a lot from the exercises, instead of writing texts on my own. That consumed more time so it hampered the process.

a. Answer the following questions on the text

1. What is the advantage of a database over a conventional filing system? why?

The Database "knows" where exactly the file is stored and accesses therefore. A conventional filing system on the other hand, starts searching up the storage till it finds the right match. 

2. Why is a logical structure advantageous for a database system? 

The user only deals with the logical structure of the data, while the system handles the physical storage itself. The user is also able to define link, which gives the user the possibility to search specifically or filtered for informations. This kind of searching would be done otherwise manually and would consume way too much time. 

3. Look up the meaning of redunancy in a dictionary. How does it relate to a database system? 

Redunancy defines information/data which are of no need for the current situation or in general. They use up valuable resources and slow down the access speed to certain datas.  

4. Explain how using a database system can optimize customer data management.

You don't need to completely rewrite the list nor does it take much to add additional informations, thanks to certain SQL commands. 

5. What two advantages does multi-user access have?

A big amount of user can access and work with the database as if they were the rightful owner. On top of that, depending on departmens, certain user could be provided with access limitation. This means they could for example only see customer names and number or oders, while another department could see more details. This assures data security and employees can't see what they are not supposed to see.

6. How does the process of replication guarantee a backup at any given moment?

Replication does the exact same changes to the copied database as the main database receives. It's not transmitting all the data, so it's way less elaborate and time consuming.

7. What is SQL?

SQL is a computer language used to work with a database. You can write orders depending on what you want to do and the database performs the order immediately.

It's not your everyday computer language, since it's not procedural and the orders are written on an easily understandable way, so it's easy to lern within short times.

b. Find the english equivalents for the phrases below in the text

1. Das erste was einem einfällt...

the first thing that occurs to most people

2. Mit Datenbanktechnologie kann man die Zugriffszeiten entscheidend verringern. 

Database technology allows you to radically reduce access time

3. Eine Datenbank bietet schnellen direkten Zugriff auf alle Daten und kann diese in jeder beliebigen Weise verknüpfen. 

A database, in contrast, offers instant acccess to all the data, and is capable of multi-linking them without incurring additional cost.

4. Jeder wird so behandelt als ob... 

and everyone is treated as if[...]

5. Zugriffsrechte können eingeschränkt werden...

the right to access certain areas of a database can be defined individually


6. Ein herausragendes Merkmal...

Another oustanding feature[...]

7. Um die Arbeit zu erleichtern...

To ease the wor[...]

8. Zum Standard erhoben...

was delcared standard

Match the database features to their advantages

1. Logical and physical data structure

b. Queries can be made by relating different sets of data with one command

2. redundancy

d. Lets the user define links between data to avoid redundancies

3. multi-acess user

f. Many people can use the same database system at the same time without interference.

4. auhorisation

a. It is possible to regulate access to a data on a individualized basis

5. network security

g. Encrypted queries are possible in LANs as well as via internet

6. backup

e. Loss of data can be prevented by making a copy of just one central file - the database

7. replication

c. Data loss can be prevented by mirroring the whole database on a second server


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212 Ansichtsbesuche von 04. September 2017 bis 04. Juli 2024