Lernfeld 3 - Englisch

von Nuri Bozyigit


Presentation about the latest BAO topic: Free Trade Area. Specifically about the TTIP. 

The topic has been split in several groups in which each one has their own tasks. My group chose "the affection of TTIP to us consumers". 


1. I can explain the FTA called "TTIP"

2. I can explain how exactly the TTIP affects us consumers and why. 

3. I can explain the positive and negative points of TTIP under various aspects (consumer, company, country etc.). 


- lot of sentences were hard to build for me, since my way of expression on german is way higher than what i could possibly say in english. 

- Following words had to be researched:

Arbiter - Schiedsgericht
Free Trade Area - Freihandelsabkommen

1. TTIP: The Free Trade Area with the United States


The Codname TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) is a Free Trade Area with the United States and the european union. The main goal is to abolish the custom duty and to transport to date excklusive goods from each land's market to the other. 

This FTA has been strongly criticized in the past years from the folk. It brings positive benefits, but at the same time mainly more disadvantages, especially to us: the consumers. That's a point we are specialising us on this presentation:

2. Affection to the Consumer

The Consumer (in other words: us) are able to purchase more goods in the shops and even cheaper than regular. Also there is a possibility to reduce the amount of unemployed people. 

The negative points however are more quantitatively: a lot of the goods from america have been genetechnically transformed. It proofs to be immune against countless bacterias, but can't guarantee to be healthy anymore. Cattle beef, other diverse meats, vegetables and even milk are all part of these genemainpulating projects. Positively the goods can be created in quantity and can offer a huge variety. But it's getting even harder for us consumers to distinguish the genemanipulated and normal biological goods on the market. Since the TTIP is also adjusting general rules of each others land (more detailed information to this later), a regular health controll of the goods will not be proceeded unless it's causing negative affection to the purchaser.

As mentioned, general rules will be adjusted to each others land so nothing unordinary is causing TTIP trouble. This means advanced sections of a land is forced to "go few steps back" to match the underdeveloped section of the others land. With that, the Fracking prohibition in europe will be removed and Fracking will start to go in action. We will explain the process of Fracking further:

Fracking: what exactly is that?


In our current age the energy consume is enormous high and it's raising with every minute. Alternative methods to gain energy such as Fracking are considered permanently. Several meters under the earth do exist under the earth which could be collect through the Fracking method. Rock, minerals and earth are busted through a mixture of water, sand and certain chemicals to open a path and access to the natural gas. Due the process are 8 million liter of water in use, which matches the daily dose of 65.000 people. Additionaly countless tons of sand and 200.000 liter chemicals are also involved. The water causes tiny cracks in the earth while the sand hinders those to close up again. The chemicals are used for several reasons: killing up the bacterias, dissolve minerals/rocks and compressing the used water. The mixture then is pumped out of the earth and the transportation of the natural gas can start then. Once the resource is exhausted, the hole is closed by pumping the mixture back to the earth.

This method has mainly it's bad sides: it's not just using up a lot of water resources, the contamination is also so high, it can't be cleaned through any methods again. Through that alone, a lot of water sources in america have been contaminated. Up to this date, it is also unknown how exactly the mixture is behaving under the earth since there is no Long-term studies about it. In general the details of the 700 used chemicals are concealed. Their personal effects are going from poisonous to carcinogenic. Another aspect of the whole story is the release of greenhouse gases. The gained natural gas contains mainly methane, which is 25 times stronger than carbon dioxide. Compared to other methods, filtering natural gas causes lower damage but considering Fracking in general, it's environment affection is clearly higher. Not to mention: the Fracking Machinery need energy to work too. 

This method to win energy is clearly more of a disadvantage than a benefit. We do in fact have in germany alone enough natural gas to cover up our need of energy for the comming 20 years, but is the damage it causes worth it?

3. Affection to everyone involved

The TTIP process is not open, which means a lot of Details and guidelines are unknown to us. 

And what's the conesquence of this? An example: when a state or company violates the rules of the TTIP, a american company can react with a prosecution. That process is negotiated by the Arbiter and is not public. Skeptics are also spekulating that the prosecution can be abused by companies to narrow down other companies that are more successful than theriselfes, which is not even unlikely. Specifically done, european companies could go bankruptcy to boost american companies. To us consumer, it would result to more jobless people than the TTIP would enable jobs, since significant companies would go bankruptcy. 


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262 Ansichtsbesuche von 10. November 2016 bis 04. Juli 2024