Lernfeld 3 - Englisch

von Nuri Bozyigit


Do tasks 15 and 16 on p 43 and tasks 1 and 2 on p 45 in Electricity Matters.


1. I can complete a dialogue with Jeff and Frank with the right words.

2. I can check the summary of Jeff about the safety rules.

3. I can evaluate the amount of Ampere on the Task 1 page 45

4. I can list the first-aid-methods for a electrical accident.


A rater easy lernjob. This one was also finished quick and didn't even require any researches and sources. Nothinh troublesome happened to mention it. 

Safety at work

Jeff: I'm not quite sure if i understood this, Frank. Does "freischalten" mean "switch-off"?

Frank: Yes, that's right but it means more than that. It means you must disconnect an electrical curcuit or a piece of equipment before you work on it.

Jeff: Oh, i see. And what about "sichern"? Has that got something to do with "safety"?

Frank: Yes, but it means protect - protect the curcuit against beeing turned on again.

Jeff: Ok, i get it. Now what does "feststellen" mean? 

Frank: It means "make certain". We have to make certain the curcuit isn't live - in german we say "make certain it's free of electricity". It's best to test it witha multimeter to make certain it's not connected to the mains. 

Jeff: I'm sorry to borther you but there's just one more thing. Could you explain "erden und kurzschließen"?

Frank: Sure. It means earth and short-circuit

Jeff: I won't even try the last one but i think "benachbarte" has got something to do with "neighbours" hasn't it?

Frank: No, you've got the wrong end of the stick there, Jeff. It means nearby, so the rule means "Cover up or fence off nearby live components".

Jeff: Ok, i've made a note there. 

Checking Jeff's Notes

1. Switch off a piece of equipment before you work on it. 

(Actually, you usually switch off a circuit you're working on. A piece of equipment is just one possible part).

2. Tell everybody not to switch on the circuit again.

(You can't inform anyone beforehand, there might be one person appearing after you started your work. So use additionally a sign to mark the circuit, so no one touches it).

3. You can start work a curcuit after you have checked with a multimeter that it's not alive.

4. Sometimes you need to earth and short-circuit an electrical circuit.

(It's not something you do just "sometimes", it has to be done everytime).

5. Make it impossible to touch live electrical components nearby if you can't switch them off.

(You do this one always too. Switching off other devices and components just like that will definitely cause problems in some section/department/workstations and these people can't wait till you're done with your own work).

Understanding the Text


First Aid

1. Disconnect electricy source.

2. Make sure if he is unconscious (by talking to him).

3. Take your distance if it's caused by a high voltage (1000 V or higher).

4. Call the rescue service (112/911).

5. Do a reanimation if he is unconscious.


Nuri Bozyigit's Profilbild


EN-RC-34.2 Safety at Work.docx

867KB | Freitag, 31. März 2017 | Einzelheiten

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Safety at work von Nuri Bozyigit ist mit einer Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Lizenz ausgestattet.

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822 Ansichtsbesuche von 31. März 2017 bis 04. Juli 2024