Lernfeld 3 - Englisch

von Nuri Bozyigit


Understandig the basics of programming. Which includes doing the Lernjob "EN-RC-8.3". 


1. I can tell what the different programming languages where supposed to do and for what purpose they were created.

2. I can put the programming steps in the right order. 


Everything went easily and fast. I don't have to report any negative occurrences

2. Programming languages

a) Which language is considered the easiest to learn?


b) Which language was developed for research purpose?


c) Which language was developed for business application?


d) Which was originally designed for programming small electronic devices such as mobile phones?


e) Which languages efficiently control hardware and can be adapted to many different computer systems?


3. Definition for programming

a) Programming is the idea of producing a set of  instructions written in code to make a computer perform a specified  task.

b) Using a computer language such as Basic the programmer can control what the computer does.

c) Rewrite the following programming steps in the correct order.
1) Write the code
2) Design the program
3) Compile the program
4) Get feedback from the users
5) Analyse the problem
6) Test and correct the program
7) Provide documentation
8) Train the users

d) Match the definition on the right to the basic programming terms on the left.
1. algorithm = finding, analysing and correcting errors in a program.
2. comments = serve to explain other parts of the program.
3. variable = Information whose meaning has been agreed upon.
4. Data = consist of a name, memory adress and a value.
5. Coding = the process of writing instructions in a specific programming language.
6. Debugging = a method to solve a problem systematically step by step.
7. structogram/flowchart = the graphical representation of an algorithm.


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136 Ansichtsbesuche von 19. Januar 2017 bis 04. Juli 2024