Lernfeld 3 - Englisch

von Nuri Bozyigit


Study the adverts for printers in IT Milestones. Englisch für Computer- und IT-Berufe, Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 2009 on p 47 and do exercises a, b, c on p 46 and d on pp 48 f.


1. I can point out the right printer by the various descrption in the first task.

2. I can recommend the right printer for the various situation in the second task.


The lernjob was easy this time. The explaination of the printers were simply explained and i could find the matching device fast. Aside of that, i didn't have to research for any vocabularies. 

a. Compare the advertisment on page 47 and answer the following Questions: 

1. Which of the laser printers makes it easier to work with other systems

PR021 Postscript Printer

2. Which of the ink jet printer is the cheaper one?

Business Injekt 2700 Commerical Printer

3. Which of the printers has the most functions?

QX Laser Printer
Photoprinter All-in-One

4. Which printers offer the highest resolution?

Business Injekt 2700 Commerical Printer
Photoprinter All-in-One

5. Which printer is the most flexible?

PR021 Postscript Printer

6. Which printer has the most memory?

PR021 Postscript Printer

7. Which printer has the largest paper input capacity?

PR021 Postscript Printer

b. Which of the printers is the best for following situations:

1. Photoprinter All-in-One because it has a large scanner for the placards and does a picture in 14 second to cover up the big amount faster.

2. Business Injekt 2700 Commerical Printer since he is a broke student (which i can relate to). The printer is literally made for low-budget prints. And for the price, the quality is more than good.

3.  Photoprinter All-in-One since it is the only printer which features a fax-possibility and covers up a large scanner size for pretty much everything. Also it has a faster print-speed if you are printing in black (which is probably the case since it is about translating).

4. QX Laser Printer since it's made for printing in big amounts. 


Nuri Bozyigit's Profilbild


EN-RC-16.3.2 Output devices - printers 1.jpg

487,5KB | Freitag, 21. April 2017 | Einzelheiten

EN-RC-16.3.2 Output devices - printers 3.jpg

679,9KB | Freitag, 21. April 2017 | Einzelheiten

EN-RC-16.3.2 Output devices - printers 4.jpg

998,4KB | Freitag, 21. April 2017 | Einzelheiten

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197 Ansichtsbesuche von 21. April 2017 bis 04. Juli 2024