Lernfeld 3 - Englisch

von Nuri Bozyigit


Study Topic 1, 2 and 3 in Netzwerk-Englisch, Lützenkirchen Lehrsysteme, Bergheim 2009 and give a summary for 2 of those 3 topics.


1. I can give a detailed summary to the topic Network Basics and explain diverse things involving it. 

2. I can give a detailed summary to the topic Network Dimensions and explain diverse things involving it.


Building sentences were not so hard as i assumed for this english lernjob. I also could add a lot of more details since we were studying this on a different lernjob already. I am satisfied with the amount i could offer. 

Network Basics


A communication network is an certain amount of computers (minimum 2) which a connected to each other by ethernet cables, regulary by copper wire or optical fiber. Alternatively wireless due radio waves or infrared light beams.

Informations are traveling as frames through the connection medium from one Network User to another, which allow to share data's or softwares with each other. It also enables the access to manage peripheral devices such as a printer, which are also connected to the network.

Each device connected to the network is reffered as node. To connect to a network in the first place, every device needs to have a Network Interface Card (NIC) implemented. Computers which are providing resources are reffered as "servers" or "host". On the other hand, service requesting computers are called "client" or "workstation".


Network Classification

Diverse factors are defining the type of Network, which are listed here:

Dimension (Scale)

A basic method to classify the type of the network. It is identified by the geographical are which it covers.

Connection medium

The cable or the method that it uses tob e connected wireless. It influences a lot of factors such as the compability and the speed oft he frame transferation.

Architecture (design)

Descripes the functional relationships, which exists among the elements of the network.


The geographic build of the cables and nodes. It’s build influences the way the data’s are flowing through the cable. Early networks used the Bus topology, while star is the current and most used method.


When the physical connection has been established, the protocol then sets the standards for the communication type. It is basically the rule and defines what encoding method is going to be used.  

Bandwidth (speed)

The unit of measurement for the amount of frames that are sent by seconds.


Network Dimensions

Computer types are classified depending on their dimensions:

PAN's (Personal Area Networks)

A PAN is a network that is build within a range for one person. It enables communication between devices (computer, printer, fax machines etc.) within a range of 10 meterss. It is constructable with both cables and wireless.

LAN's (Local Area Networks)

A LAN Network is for a small physical area such as a school, an office and similar. For the owning organisation, there is also the possibility to install high-speed communication links between connected nodes. One can also connect LAN's together to create a MAN's or WAN's network. 

MAN's (Metropolitan Area Networks)

A MAN's network is to cover geographical sections such as cities or districts. MAN's specifically made for certain industry parks, major hospitals or military base are called CAN's (Campus Area Network). A CAN is limited to such areas and is therefore smaller than a regular MAN. Both CAN and MAN Networks are bigger than LAN, but smaller than WAN.

WAN's (Wide Area Networks)

A WAN Network is used to cover up larger geographical sections, such as between cities or even countries. This kind of network is often used by transmission facilities such as telephone companies. Transoceanic cables or satelite uplinks are the connection-medium for this process.

GAN's (Global Area Networks)

A GAN Network is build by several connected WAN's and can cover any wished amount of areas. The most popular sample for this kind of network is the world wide web - the internet. 


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Networking Basics, Network Dimensions, Network Architecture von Nuri Bozyigit ist mit einer Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Lizenz ausgestattet.

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280 Ansichtsbesuche von 11. Januar 2017 bis 04. Juli 2024