Lernfeld 3 - Englisch

von Nuri Bozyigit


- Get information about what makes a good presentation and take notes in English. (EN-CW-1.9)


- I can list methods and actions which are or are not wished for a presentation


This was a rater easy Lernjob. The informations were hard to find, but it was easy to form them into lists. Finished this one quickly. 

What you should DO in a presentation

- Start with an interesting question or point

Begin the presentation with interesting facts/questions/pain-point of the audience. Something which would make everyone listen to you further. 

- Make a good proceed

You can talk about one thing the whole day, but that's most likely not what everyone wants to. Poke their interest with a certain theme and lead them to other resources for more information.

- Use the right materials/pictures for the PowerPoint presentation

Big readable texts or shinny shrill pictures would distract the audience. Use pictures which are relatable to what you say, so everyone will keep listening to you while also watching the picture. 

- Relate to the audience

Talk like they are actually there and mention points which might also concern them. Interactivity with those who are listening to you will make your presentation more interesting. 

- You might need some training

No one could swing out a presentation before practicing. Practice will warm you up, calm your nerfes and make you familiar with your presentation shedule.


What you shouldn't DO in a presentation

- Do not try to be funny

Funny remarks are actually not bad for a presentation, but if you can't handle it, then better don't do it. It's not necessary to push the presentation with additional elements, just focus on a good performance. 

- Do not leave your personality at home/backstage

The person presenting must feel like a person. Strictly reading a script or talking objectively will make you sound like a robot. Explain your content the way you are. 

- Do not read strictly from slides/scripts

It brakes the eye contact, makes you sound like a robot and last but not least, you will lose the audiences interests. Everyone has nothing but disadvantage to gain from this. Avoid that as good as you can.

- Do not waste their time

Presentations have a certain purpose: to learn. You teach your audience something or inform them about the specific topic you are presenting. Don't waste their time with irrelevant points and informations which are out-of-place.

- Do not forget about Q&A

It's not just an option, it's part of a presentation. After the presentation, a lot of people are going to have questions about this and that. Prepare yourself for those so you can answer quickly and not lack any essential answers. 


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What makes a good presentation? von Nuri Bozyigit ist mit einer Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Lizenz ausgestattet.

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214 Ansichtsbesuche von 24. Februar 2017 bis 04. Juli 2024