Lernfeld 3 - Englisch

von Nuri Bozyigit


1. Explain to someone who isn't familiar with computer thematic what a virtualization is, including the pro's and con's.


1. I can explain in my own words what a virtualization is and count some pro's and con's.


What is a Virtualization?

Virtualization is in our computer thematic the virtual construction of an operating system (such as Windows 7/10). We use normally a programm to create a virtual computer, which does run an operating system of our choice. You then decide how it's parameters are. For every amount of the parameters, the virtual operating system is using up resources of our own computer. Example: we have 4 GB RAM on our laptop. If we decide the RAM Parameter of the virtual operating system to be 2 GB RAM, it's using up those 4 GB RAM and we are left with the remaining 2 GB RAM. 

Pro's and Con's

The Pro's of a Virtualization: 

- You can test out certain things before using it in an actuall operating system. This might prevent a lot of errors and problems. 

- You can educate studens with it and explain the concept of virtualization and how a computer does work. 

- It reduces costs and prevents the unnecessary purchasing of any more resources in many points.

The Con's of a Virtualization: 

- Not every computer is able to virualize. Which means this method is exclusive to certain computers. 

- It uses up the resources of your computer, which makes operating several virtualized computers difficult


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207 Ansichtsbesuche von 28. März 2017 bis 04. Juli 2024