Lernfeld 3 - Englisch

von Nuri Bozyigit


Read the text “Market research” in Business to Business, Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 2008 on page 262 and answer questions in the Lernjob "EN-CW-4.7.1", regarding the Market researches.


1. I can explain what the purpose of of market research is.

2. I can explain the methods regarding market research.

3. I can shortly tell my personal experience with market research.

4. I can create a questionnaire for a product with 15 questions.


The Lernjob was rater easy, but required a lot of researches to be done. It was done pretty fast though.

1. Market Research Questions

1. Answer the following questions in your own words:

1.1. What’s the purpose of market research?

Market Research is done to find out what customers think of the products. Certain Customer segments have their own wishes and needs regarding the selling product. In order to find out what these exactly are, companies do a market research. Depending on the results, they either change their products or serve a different/another product to cover up a profitable customer segment.

1.2. What do companies use market research for?

Companies use market research to monitor the satisfaction of a customer and see how good a new idea does.

1.3. Explain what field research is.

Field research is the direct communication with a customer in the form of an interview, an internet/telephone interview or questionnaires sent to the targeted customer segment.

1.4. Explain what desk research is.

Desk research is the evaluation of the results the field research brought. 

1.5. What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative research?

Qualitative research is a research based on how the customer feels about the product and how they evaluate it. Quantitative researches in the other hand are analysing the statistic aspect, mostly including the figures (how much the product sold). 

1.6. Do you think market research is useful? Why (not)?

It is usefull more than everything else. We all have our wish for a certain quality. Even i liked to see specific things before buying a product. I also wouldn't mind paying a little bit more for quality. That is something you can only find out with market research (assumed my opinion here is something what every customer thinks). 

But more importantly: the market research has to be done right. This is something you can't just do in forums and opinions people wrote down somewhere. In our today's state, people like to heat up each other and exaggerate with their negative opinions. I've seen some negative changes from a company by that alone. 

1.7. Speak about your experience with market research: Have you ever taken part in market research - either as an interviewer or an interviewee?

I've filled out some questionnaires for video games i bought. Some companies were even so nice, they also leaved a textbox in the end so i could write down some additional things.

2. Questionnaire


An Questionnaire about "Snickers". 

1. How often do you buy Snickers?

2. Would you rather buy a different certain chocolate bar than a Snickers? If yes, which one?

3. What do you think of the different flavors?

4. Where did you hear about Snickers the very first time?

5. Do you know any other people consuming Snickers?

6. If you could give a specific wish to the Snickers company, what would it be?

7. Is there any type of chocolate bar you'd like the Snickers company to produce?

8. Are you satisified with the amount you are getting with a single snickers bar?

9. Do you have individual wishes for the package?



Nuri Bozyigit's Profilbild


Lernjob: EN-CW-4.7.1 Market research (08.02.17)

- Business to Business, Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart 2008 page 262 (see downloads)

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307,2KB | Donnerstag, 09. Februar 2017 | Einzelheiten

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190 Ansichtsbesuche von 09. Februar 2017 bis 03. Juli 2024